
OFCABroadbandPerformanceTest.YourIP.,OFCABroadbandPerformanceTest4+...Thedatausagefortheuseofthismobileappvarieswiththespeedofmobilebroadbandconnectionundertest.,OFCABroadbandPerformanceTest·Downloadspeed.Therateatwhichdataistransferredfromthetestservertotheuserdevice.·Uploadspeed·Network ...,2018年8月10日—跟住見有D師兄話OFCA有事...

OFCA Broadband Performance Test

OFCA Broadband Performance Test. Your IP. Reference number. -. Powered by. 0 5 10 15 25 50 100 300 500 1000+

OFCA Broadband PerformanceTest on the App Store

OFCA Broadband PerformanceTest 4+ ... The data usage for the use of this mobile app varies with the speed of mobile broadband connection under test.

OFCA Speed Test

OFCA Broadband Performance Test · Download speed. The rate at which data is transferred from the test server to the user device. · Upload speed · Network ...

OFCA 測速慢, speedtest app 更慢

2018年8月10日 — 跟住見有D師兄話OFCA有事用新flash測會慢, 我用speed test app測時個DL仲慢, 得返100左右, upload就都係500 咁問題就黎啦, 佢每次開始時個dl speed都 ...


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系統會記錄使用者透過測試網站和流動應用程式所測試的結果,但不會收集任何可識辨使用者身分的資料。所收集的測試記錄只會用於編製統計報告和診斷電腦系統問題,以助改善 ...


系统会记录使用者透过测试网站和流动应用程式所测试的结果,但不会收集任何可识辨使用者身分的资料。所收集的测试记录只会用于编制统计报告和诊断电脑系统问题,以助改善 ...


Techritual.com 為你提供不亞於政府OFCA 的國際級Speedtest 測試,使用你的電腦、手機、平板為你的netvigator 網上行、HKBN 家居寛頻,或你的csl、SmarTone、3HK 或 ...